Fei: 20-8505806

501© 3

June 9th, 2008

Sita Ram / Namaste

Dear Friends and Family,

Since our organization became an official entity by incorporation in 2008, the members of the Radha Krishna have tirelessly worked on making their dreams a reality by first obtaining a permanent home for worshiping at 220 Cherry Hill Dr, Monroe GA, and expanding the Arts and Culture to the Hindu community in rural Georgia.

Radha Krishna, Mandir Inc. is a federal non-profit 501c organization, register in the State of Georgia, with the purpose promoting the Hindu culture and arts, including meditation and yoga, in the Metro Atlanta community.

Ongoing efforts to raise funds for building renovation and expanding the Arts and Culture are underway. However those initiatives alone cannot fully offset the financial constrains, therefore we are reaching out to you for your assistance in helping us close these gaps.

Your financial support will allow us to move ahead with renovations to the building and to progress further in creating a positive environment where individuals will be able

  • Promote and propagate Hinduism
  • Instill moral, religious, and cultural values in youths
  • Teach Hindi, Music, Yoga, Meditation, and folk dancing
  • Help children with their school assignments

Your donations can be made in several ways:

  • Check payment, made payable to the RADHA KRISHNA MANDIR, Inc.
  • Online donations through Pay Pal secure site, by visiting our web site at www.radhaakrishna.org and follow the Donation link. Our id is donate@radhaakrishna.org; you can make payments using credit cards.
  • Cash donations

Your donation is tax-deductible.

Thank you for your support and consideration. For any additional information regarding Radha Krishna Mandir, please visit the website at www.radhaakrishna.org or feel free to contact me at 917-478-6076.

Thank you for your contribution and your continued generous support. It means the world to all the people who will be able to attend Mandir every Sunday.

P.S. For your records, please note that you have not received any goods or services in return for this donation.



Ghanshiam Ganesh
